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How to connect HP officejet 6500 to wifi

How to Connect HP Officejet 6500 premium to wifi

To connect HP Officejet 6500 for the Internet Service Provider or for the new routers, connect with the network name such as the id and the password and configure the printer in the print settings, to connect it to the Wi-Fi.

Connect the HP Officejet 6500 printer in windows

  • Ensure that the router and the computer are turned on.
  • The printer is connected to the Setup wizard network.
  • Turn the printer on and disconnect the USB cables.
  • The installed software engender to connect the cables.
  • Let’s identify the product to get started page displays.
  • Select printer, type printer model number, click submit.
  • Click change. Select the version of the operating system, click change.
  • Choose basic drivers for other driver options or choose download for full software package.

Connect to a HP Officejet 6500 printer

  • Make sure that the computer is connected to the wireless network. Ensure that the computer and the router are turned on and the computer is connected to the printer through the same wireless network. Switch on the HP Officejet 6500 printer and place it close to the computer within the router range during the procedural setup.
  • Press the setup button on the printer control panel. Press the arrow button to select the network settings and then select the OK button to connect the printer to the wireless network.
  • Disconnect the USB cables. The software installation instigates to connect the cables. Type the model number and click submit in the printer, if ‘Let’s identify the product to get started’ page appears. Select the version to change the operating system and select change. Select download or basic drivers for full software package under the driver heading.
  • To connect HP Officejet 6500 printers in the Wi-Fi network for mac, select System Preferences in the Apple menu. Select Print and Scan in the operating system.
  • To confirm communication, and to ensure the correct driver, remove and add the printer, if the printer is listed. Click the minus sign in the name of the printer to delete it. Click the plus sign, add printer or scanner and in the name of the printer.
  • If the printer is not listed, select add sign to proceed the same. Ensure that the MAC and the printers are connected with the USB cable.
  • Click the print using or use option and then click the printer name. Limited printer functionality occurs by clicking Generic driver option from the Use menu. To insert the printer in the list, click add.
  • For installation completion, select download and install. System Preferences window should be closed. Based on HP Officejet 6500 printer functionality, one can print, scan or fax.


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